Summit Outreach and Counselling

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 214 Montreal Ave. North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7L3N5
Contact: Chantalle Morrow-Fesciuc
Phone: 306-280-4212

Summit Outreach and Counselling Logo
    • We are an interdisciplinary team with extensive knowledge and experience in providing front-line intervention and prevention services to Saskatoon’s most vulnerable youth and young adults.
    • We provide wrap-around client-centred services such as harm reduction education, personalized client referrals and assessments, outreach support, cultural and youth-developed programming, life-skills mentorship, substance use disorder and drop-in counselling.
    • Summit believes in the inherent dignity and worth of all young persons regardless of their lifestyle or risk level.


Summit Outreach and Counselling’s Volunteer Opportunities

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When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.
Erma Bombeck

Contact Summit Outreach and Counselling

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214 Montreal Ave. North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7L3N5

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