Lakewood Soccer Association, Inc.

Organization Type: Sports & Recreation
Address: Dept. 512, #8B – 3110 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 0W2
Contact: Leonard Lewko
Phone: 3062222379

Lakewood Soccer Association, Inc. Logo

Lakewood Mission:

Provide a quality soccer program for player and coach development.

Lakewood Vision:

Create a fun environment for players to learn the game of soccer.

Lakewood Values:

Provide a positive sport experience for all players and coaches with the emphasis on fundamental skill development. Strive to be open and honest in all of our interactions.

Lakewood Soccer is currently a Canada Soccer Quality Soccer Provider licensed Soccer Club located in Saskatoon. Lakewood is responsible for organizing youth soccer programs and development in what is called “Zone 4”, as defined by Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc (SYSI).


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Lakewood Soccer Association, Inc.’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Mother Teresa

Contact Lakewood Soccer Association, Inc.

Get Directions

Dept. 512, #8B – 3110 8th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 0W2

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