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Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (iNaturalist Citizen Scientists needed for Eco-Quests in the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas)

Organization Name: Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
Opportunity Title: iNaturalist Citizen Scientists needed for Eco-Quests in the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas
Category: Environmental Improvement
Commitment: 6 months to 1 year
Start Date: September 8, 2020
End Date: September 30, 2020

  • Appropriate for youth (i.e., less than 18)
  • Appropriate for volunteers aged between 18 and 55
  • Appropriate for volunteers aged 55 and over
  • Family-oriented volunteering
Opportunity Description:

Ecological Assessment and Data Inventory Citizen science bio-blitzes, eco-quests, scavenger hunts, and iNaturalist data inventory practices identifying flora and fauna will establish a baseline inventory at Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and at George Genereux Urban Regional Park! Afterwards research and best practices can be undertaken for appropriate conservation measures.  We are undertaking a collection of plants, animals, insects, birds, mushrooms, and any type of flora and fauna during different seasons, and at various times of the day.  You can connect online with other people through the iNaturalist app! It is greatly appreciated, and safe in these uncertain times.  It is easy to pop out safely on your own or with your own bubble to use your smart phone, and with the iNaturalist app take pictures and post them onto iNaturalist.  The iNaturalist app uses fancy “facial recognition” features and compares your photos with other images of plants and animals to help with identification, and then people online at iNaturalist, help further.  If you like getting outside, and observing nature, then you will enjoy this volunteer opportunity! Why do we need citizen scientists? The numbers of plants and animals at the afforestation areas, and  also on the wetlands becomes known which assists in the ecological assessment and creation of a management plan. Through this place-based education citizen scientists of all ages increase observational skills, and appreciation of nature. Please see our iNaturalist pamphlet for more information!  For more information about the Baker Area Eco-Quest and the Genereux Park Eco-Quest please check out our webpage! We can arrange to meet you out at one of the afforestation areas as in these uncertain times there is lots of room for social distancing, and let you know more details about how to use a smart phone iNaturalist app! Alternatively we can meet up via phone, zoom, or facetime to provide more information and answer your questions.

Get Directions

Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A The coordinates {latitude and longitude} for Google maps are 52.1004657,-106.7539449

Other Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. Volunteer Opportunities

🌿🌿 Nature Observer Opportunity

Organization: Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
Category: Environmental Improvement
Description: Download the free iNaturalist app, document local biodiversity in the city and optionally to participate in free events at the afforestation …Read More

Other Environmental Improvement Volunteer Opportunities

🌿🌿 Nature Observer Opportunity

Organization: Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
Description: Download the free iNaturalist app, document local biodiversity in the city and optionally to participate in free events at the afforestation …Read More