Archived Opportunities

These volunteer opportunities have been archived based on an expiry date set by the originator (i.e. nonprofit organization). Please note that these opportunities are only presented for interest – to give volunteers and site visitors an opportunity to see the types of positions offered by organizations.

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Board Member at Large

Organization: Saskatchewan Cerebral Palsy Association
Category: Boards / Committee / Leadership
Description: The SCPA Board of Directors is a group of volunteers that supports the mission to support and enrich the lives of those affected by cerebral palsy. Each person brings a passion, energy and devotion to everything they do for the association. Our goal is to have more funds going into our programs and less into our overhead and administration costs, therefor the association is managed remotely by a volunteer Board of Directors who are spread out across the province of Saskatchewan. Each board member brings different experiences, knowledge and skills that have become the heart of the association. The SCPA is proud of this group of individuals that are volunteering to dedicate their time and energy to make this association amazing and we hope you will join us! [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

MADD Saskatoon Chapter Volunteer Board Members

Organization: MADD Saskatoon
Category: Boards / Committee / Leadership
Description: MADD Saskatoon Chapter is currently recruiting for volunteers to join our Chapter as volunteers for special events as well as to join our board. No experience necessary as we provide great training. Must be available to attend 1 board meeting a month and actively participate in board decisions and to attend a min. of 1 event in a calendar year. Be part of keeping your community safe, volunteer with MADD Saskatoon.   [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

MADD Saskatoon Volunteer Social Media Lead

Organization: MADD Saskatoon
Category: Communications / Marketing / Media
Description: MADD Saskatoon Chapter is currently looking for a volunteer to manage our social media - facebook and our website. As the social media lead, you would be responsible for updating our social media on an ongoing basis, engagement and increasing our followers. Must attend 1 meeting per month to provide an update to board. must have access to a computer/phone/internet to update social media Training provided. Be part of a great team of volunteers and support our community in making it safe.   [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Treasurer - Girl Guides of Canada Morning Lights District

Organization: Morning Lights District - Girl Guides of Canada
Category: Boards / Committee / Leadership
Description: Morning Lights District seeks an enthusiastic, engaged volunteer to serve as its Treasurer. This position manages funds for six Guiding units (four in Saskatoon, two rural) and the District. Attention to detail, good communication skills, and the ability to adhere to policy is required.  No prior experience with Girl Guides is necessary. You do not need to be a woman. The time commitment for this position is one to three hours/week. This position is up to five years in duration; it is renewed annually by Morning Lights District Council. Training and oversight will be provided. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Jennifer Christian at PURPOSE: To manage District and unit finances effectively and efficiently. TERM OF OFFICE: Elected annually at a District Council meeting. In no event shall a Treasurer hold office for more than five consecutive years. DUTIES: Deposit all cheques and cash received in full and as soon as possible after receipt. Be prepared to issue receipts, especially for cash received, in order to account for deposits. Write cheques and pay bills for the District and the units, making sure that all expenditures are supported by complete and detailed documents or receipts. There should never be any cash transactions. Ensure that all cheque signers review the supporting documentation before signing a cheque. Ensure that at least two adult volunteers sign all cheques. Only those individuals who have previously been approved by a motion of District Council may sign cheques. Maintain accurate and reliable financial information on a timely basis, preferably using an electronic spreadsheet or an accounting program. Prepare a bank reconciliation on a monthly basis. Complete GST on event forms for any overnight District events and claim back 50% of GST paid on non-overnight events for both the District and units. Report regularly to the District Council so that they are aware of how the District funds are being used.  Manage distribution of cookie funds to the units. Reconcile cookie funds to the amounts billed by Area.  Assist the Unit Guiders and the District Council to prepare the annual budget for units or the District using the fiscal year (January –December). Check that the District expenditures are in line with budget amounts.  Help the Unit Guiders and District Council check that their budgets are still consistent with the goals for the upcoming season.  At the end of the fiscal year, prepare the Annual Financial Report and make sure it, along with the units and District books, is forwarded to the reviewer by the specified date. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Operation Smile Canada needs volunteers to help at RUSH game (February 29th!)

Organization: Operation Smile Canada
Category: Special Events / Festivals
Description: On Saturday, February 29th, 2020, The Saskatchewan Rush will be hosting a game against the Toronto Rock in favour of Operation Smile Canada. We are in need of approximately 40 volunteers to help us sell merchandise and contest items before and during the lacrosse game. Details are as follows: Start time: 5pm to approximately 10pm (snacks provided) Location: SaskTel Centre, through Stage Door 4 All volunteers will be given an Operation Smile Canada T-Shirt Volunteers will assist at our promotional booth and/or in the concourse by selling merchandise on behalf of Operation Smile Canada. There is an opportunity to watch part of the game during designated times. This is a great way for students to collect community service hours or for anyone looking to help a great cause. This would be a really fun activity for service clubs, companies, groups or associations. Contact Mary Grant at or 647-952-8050 for more details. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

WILD Outside Core Youth Member

Organization: Canadian Wildlife Federation
Category: Environmental Improvement
Description: WILD Outside is a year-round, no-cost, inclusive, and barrier-free program. Our only requirement is that you are within the ages of 15 to 18 with a willingness to learn and have fun!  The aim of the program is to engage young people in outdoor adventure, conservation, and community service projects. With the support of program leaders, you will be given the opportunity to collaboratively plan and execute your own conservation service projects and outdoor adventures. Program structure consists of one full-day (Saturday or Sunday) event per month, as well as an optional weekday workshop/educational activity. You are encouraged to dedicate 120 hours per year to the program.  [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

WILD Outside Outdoor Event Supervisor

Organization: Canadian Wildlife Federation
Category: Children & Youth
Description: About the program: WILD Outside aims to engage young people (between the ages of 15 - 18) in outdoor adventure, conservation, and community service projects. With the support of program leaders, youth will be given the opportunity to collaboratively plan and execute conservation service projects and outdoor adventures. Program structure consists of one full-day (Saturday or Sunday) event per month, as well as an optional weekday workshop/educational activity. This is a year round program. Where you come in: We may occasionally need an additional adult to be present during an outdoor adventure activity or conservation project. These would be full day events on the weekend. There would be no cost for the adult volunteer (any equipment, excursion fees, background checks, etc. would be covered). Responsibilities would include helping to facilitate the event, supervising youth for safe behaviour, and being a positive role model for the youth (which means your own enthusiastic participation in the activity and conversations!). No special training is required and you will NEVER be alone with the youth. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Bird Window Strike Data Collector

Organization: Birds in Real Danger Saskatoon
Category: Research
Description: Who? Anyone with the ability and willingness to walk around buildings looking for evidence of bird window strikes. You do not need to be able to identify the birds (although this is helpful!) What? Documenting photo evidence of bird window strikes (injured or dead birds, feathers, etc.) as well as written details surrounding the collision (the distance to the building found, side of the building, building address - an instruction sheet will be provided). If a bird IS found (dead or alive), we ask that it is transported to Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. If you are unable to do so, we can arrange for another volunteer to help. Where? We currently have priority zones in the downtown and University campus areas. We are also happy to take data from your neighbourhood, or other areas where you see lots of window strikes! Why? This documented evidence will be supplied to the City of Saskatoon, the University of Saskatchewan, and other authorities to make a case for bird-friendly building guidelines in Saskatoon. The more we understand about where, when, and how collisions are happening, the better we can prevent it in the future! [/et_pb_blurb]

How should one live? Live Welcoming to all.
Mechthild von Magdeburg