Sunshine Inclusive Playhouse Inc.

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Contact: Yasmine
Phone: 3068808884

Sunshine Inclusive Playhouse Inc. Logo

The Sunshine Inclusive Playhouse in Saskatoon was founded by Yasaman Rafiei (Yasmine) and opened for business in April of 2022. This exciting initiative is an indoor ,safe and inclusive space for people with disabilities and families to develop and play. a registered non-profit entity under the Non-Profit Corporations Act 195 (sec 164) of Saskatchewan.
Our mission is to establish a first-class special needs service that will provide a home away from home for individuals (children and adults) with disabilities and typically developing children and adults. Our facility will be a sought-out destination place for children and adults with wide-ranging disability levels to play and grow together.
Our services include open play, respite care, birthday parties, camps, workshops, classes, day programs, field trips, special events, space rentals to therapists and schools and any other organizations.

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In my opinion, he only may be truly said to live and enjoy his being who is engaged in some laudable pursuit, and acquires a name by some illustrious action, or useful art.

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

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